• 20 Videos

  • 1 Quiz

  • 3 Worksheets

  • 9 Files

  • Welcome To Social Sales Boom!!

  • Module 2: Money Map

  • Module 3: Who' Your Daddy? P.O.P. Knows Best

  • How to spy on your competition

  • Welcome + Overview

  • How to add yourself + pages+Ad Account

  • Pixels+Payment Method+

  • Aggregate Event Management

  • Domain Verification + closing

  • Foundational Principles

  • ***Bonus How to make a custom audience from video views

  • How to make custom audiences from instagram

  • How to make Instagram custom audiences

  • Over the shoulder walk through

  • August 25, 2022 7:30 pm

  • Sept 1, 2022 7:30pm Money Map

  • Sept 8,2022 7:30pm POP Knows Best

  • Sept 16, 2022 7:30pm M.O.M. where the money resides

  • Sept 29, 2022 7:30pm Fitz's Funnels Of Fiya